

Russian manufacturing engineering company

TECHNOTECS took part in the All-Russian Running Half-Marathon ZaBeg.RF 2024

TECHNOTECS took part in the All-Russian Running Half-Marathon ZaBeg.RF 2024





TECHNOTECS took part in LUKOIL Technical Conference

TECHNOTECS took part in LUKOIL Technical Conference


Horizontal Flare


Designed for thermal neutralization of gas discharges, combustible and non-combustible industrial effluents containing mechanical impurities and dissolved salts.

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Air Cooling Units

Air Cooling Units operation is based on the principle of natural cooling of operating fluid by atmospheric air forced by axial fans.

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Tubular Downstream


Tubular downstream separator is designed for separation of oil emulsion and preliminary discharge of free water and is part of Free Water Knock Out Unit and Oil Treatment Unit

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On-site Gas Treatment


Integrated GTU is a system of process equipment and various auxiliary devices that collect and treat associated petroleum or natural gas and gas condensate in accordance with the requirements

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Open Flare


Open flare systems provide stable combustion in the wide range of gas and vapor flow rates, smokeless incineration of continuous and periodic discharges, as well as safe heat flux density, prevention of air ingress through the top entry of the flare stack and flameout.

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Furnaces and heating


Heaters manufactured by TECHNOTECS are designed for heating oil emulsion or oil for its subsequent transportation by pipelines from well clusters to Central Processing Facility, as well as for heating gas, water and other process products.

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Valve assembly

Structurally complete and spatially formed assembly piece of process unit with a given level of pre-fabrication designed to be used in the main and auxiliary technology processes

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Working Fluid

Heating Unit

Intended to be used at the sites of oil and gas fields to ensure the process of increasing working fluid temperature.

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On-site Oil Treatment


Integrated OTUs are designed for preliminary separation of products extracted from wells into gas, oil, produced water with subsequent purification and measurement in accordance with state and industry standards.

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Water Treatment Stations

Water Treatment Plants

TECHNOTECS develops process solutions, designs and manufactures water treatment plants in accordance with Client’s requirements.

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Fire Fighting

Pump Stations

FFPS are designed to maintain operating pressure and supply water to the fire water supply system at production facilities.

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Closed Flare


Special flare systems used at the facilities where it is required to have no visible flame, smoke, thermal radiation and where the smallest possible size and environmental friendliness of the flare shall be ensured.

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Oil Pump


Designed for tank farm pumping of oil, petroleum products and liquids having similar viscosity and chemical activity.

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Comprehensive solutions

for wastewater treatment

TECHNOTECS offers a full range of technologies, including mechanical, physical & chemical, biological methods of wastewater treatment, as well as technologies of after-treatment on submerged membranes, micro-sieve disk filters, standard filtration, sorption, UV disinfection, etc.

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Mobile Gas

Treatment Units

MGTU is a technical device consisting of several prefabricated units or assemblies, foreseen for accelerated installation and commissioning at the site of operation.

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Mobile Oil

Treatment Units

Mobile Oil Treatment Units (MOTU) allow to treat oil to the requirements of GOST R 51858-2002 "Oil. General Specifications" at well pads of oil fields and for its further transportation

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Modular Cluster

Pump Stations

Modular Cluster Pump Stations are installed outdoors and consist of block box, one or two (or more) pumps, process pipelines, filters and shut-off, control and safety valves mounted inside it.

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PSA Units

for hydrogen recovery and purification

PSA units allow to recover hydrogen with purity up to 99.999% from syn gases produced by steam conversion of light hydrocarbons, as well as from waste gases of various industrial processes.

Комплексная водоподготовка

и очистка сточных вод

Наша компания предоставляет услуги по подбору, проектированию и изготовлению очистных сооружений, предназначенных для очистки: Ливневых стоков, промышленных сточных вод, хозяйственно-бытовых стоков.

Comprehensive water conditioning and waste water treatment

Ultrafiltration Unit

Ultrafiltration Unit

Sewage Pump Station

Sewage Pump Station

Recycling Water Supply Unit

Recycling Water Supply Unit

Comprehensive Treatment Facilities

Comprehensive Treatment Facilities

Submerged Ultrafiltration Membrane Cassettes and Modules

Submerged Ultrafiltration Membrane Cassettes and Modules

Evaporation Plant

Evaporation Plant

We specialize <br><span>in complex</span> technology projects

We specialize
in complex technology projects

TECHNOTECS operates at oil & natural gas extraction and processing plants.
One of key competence is industrial waste treatment.

We offer to our Clients cutting-edge comprehensive solutions - from preparation of Project Documentation, manufacturing, equipment supply, installation and commissioning to putting the facility into operation.

About us
We specialize <br><span>in complex</span> technology projects
We specialize <br><span>in complex</span> technology projects We specialize <br><span>in complex</span> technology projects We specialize <br><span>in complex</span> technology projects
Working since1999
We specialize <br><span>in complex</span> technology projects



Gas Pretreatment Unit

Equipment is designed to separate associated petroleum gas from the oil and gas mixture and treat it to the requirements of the technical specifications for subsequent transfer to the operating Integrated Gas Treatment Unit at Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk. 12 months from project entry to putting equipment into operation.

Production site - Shaksha district, Ufa

Client Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye West Tarkosalinskoye Field

Flare Units for Priobskoye field

High-pressure flares are supplied complete with valve assemblies. This equipment is designed for emergency discharges and incineration of high-pressure flammable gases from the field's Central Gathering Plant and Integrated Gas Treatment Unit. Estimated service life of the product taking into account operating conditions - minimum 30 years.

Production site - Oktyabrsky

Client Gazpromneft-Khantos Priobskoye Field

Air Cooling Units are designed for cooling or condensation of gas and condensate process streams

Operated outdoors at process site in the cold climate area. Process flow temperature from -40° to 300°C, pressure up to 7.5 MPa. Heat-exchange tubes are finned in the form of rolled mono- or bimetallic strip and assembled in sections.

Production site - Oktyabrsky

Client Gazprom-Pererabotka

Modular Cluster Pump Station

This MCPS is designed and manufactured in accordance with the most advanced requirements to energy saving, automation and unmanned technology. Plunger pumps are used on the basis of Sigma pumps P-RAN-3-14O-1OO-21O-ZC-9P. Electric motor power 500 kW.

Production site - Shaksha district, Ufa

Client NZNP TRADE Gavrikovskoye field

Modular Booster Transfer Pump Station

Used for treated produced water in modular design. Consists of 7 pump units and electrical room. Area of pump station is 1000 sq. meters. Special technical solutions are used for fluid pumping - corrosion-resistant design of pipelines and components, special environmental requirements.

Production site - Shaksha district, Ufa

Client Messoyakhaneftegaz West Messoyakhskoye field

Heating furnaces

Supplied equipment is part of gas and condensate compression and treatment complex of facilities. Furnaces are supplied complete with product inlet and outlet valve assemblies and fuel gas pipeline. Moreover, automated control system was supplied in a freestanding unit.

Diesel fuel is used as heat transfer agent

Client Gazpromneft-Yamal Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field

Oil heater

Oil heater was designed, manufactured and put into pilot industrial operation for heating the oil mixture and commercial oil during field treatment and transportation to the delivery and acceptance point of Tazovskoye oil condensate field. This equipment was manufactured taking into account climatic conditions in the area of operation, where the minimum temperature can go down to -57°C

Heater efficiency is 87%

Client Gazpromneft-Razvitie Tazovskoye oil condensate field

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