EPC — contractor

A good contractor is the key to high

TECHNOTECS is a multifaceted engineering company that has experience and competency in implementing projects under EPC contracts. The company offers a full range of work in the field of production and process engineering: from feasibility study to commissioning.


engineering, procurement, construction/ инжиниринг, поставки, строительство

  • E

    Design and engineering

    Organizational engineering: project administration, risk management, audit, monitoring, packaged project management

    Design, basic and detailed design: detailed design, examination, preparation and conduct of tenders and bids, technical supervision

    Production engineering: carrying out preparatory work, organizing and performing construction and installation work, acceptance of equipment

    Test and start-up engineering: warranty testing, supervised installation, pre-commissioning and start-up


  • P


    Timely support of construction with necessary equipment and materials

    Technical supervision of equipment production

    Incoming inspection of materials and equipment at the facility

    Construction procurement management using 1C:ERP automated accounting platform

    Procurement procedures for materials, technical resources and equipment in compliance with the current company’s standards and the project specifications

    Cutting-edge approaches in logistics

    In-house production allowing to make main and auxiliary equipment on a turnkey basis


  • C


    A full range of construction, installation and commissioning operations in compliance with all HSE standards

    Multi-stage construction control over the entire work cycle

    Preparation and submission of as-built documentation

    Available permits and rich references


Project management

A Project Office is arranged for each project to ensure the one-stop principle and proper interaction with the Customer at all stages of the relationship

  • A comprehensive project implementation schedule will explicate the documentation development, supply of equipment and materials and phases of construction
  • Risk forecasting
    and management
  • Unified document flow, digital communication
  • Budget management
  • Databases of the best

We provide the customer with a high level of liability, guarantees and convenient work based on the one-stop principle

Projects of any scale and complexity.

Projects of any scale and complexity.

Efficient specialists and the state-of-the-art business processes that meet international standards allow TECHNOTECS to implement projects of any scale and complexity in a timely and high-quality manner.

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